Third-party Fundraisers

Third-party fundraisers are events or activities planned, hosted, and executed by individuals, families, companies, and groups for the purpose of raising funds to donate to SCARS. These donations provide significant revenue for SCARS every year and valuable community exposure.

You can turn anything that you love into an activity that directly improves the lives of animals in Alberta. Help SCARS fund rescue, veterinary care, finding forever homes for the animals in our care, and our community programs.

Need some ideas?

  • Arts and craft sales
  • Office Fundraisers (casual wear, bring pets to the office day)
  • BBQ/Bake Sales
  • Bingo Nights
  • Book sales
  • Bowling/Curling Tournaments
  • Golf Tournaments
  • Car Wash
  • Commission from independent sales companies
  • Donation Drives
  • Seeds/flower/plant sales
  • Garage Sale
  • Refreshment sales
  • Online gaming Tournaments
  • Organized Fun walk/Run
  • Having a birthday party/wedding? Why not accept donations to SCARS!?
  • Group Painting Events
  • Karaoke night
  • Chili Cook off
  • Potluck fundraisers / recipe exchanges

Third-Party Fundraising Guidelines

This is what we can offer, on request, in exchange for your support:

Fundraisers valued at $250 to $499

  • A thank you post on SCARS social media—Please send the details of what you did and how much you raised along with a visual to Note: We especially love thanking children who create awareness for SCARS and raise funds, even if their donation is valued at less than $250.

Fundraisers valued at $500 to $999

  • Event information posted on our website under Third-Party Fundraisers—Please provide SCARS with promotional information including a visual and fill in the request form.
  • A Facebook event created by SCARS.
  • Thank you card from SCARS.
  • A thank you post on SCARS social media with your photo and funds raised (if provided to SCARS).

Fundraisers valued at $1,000 or more

  • Event information posted on our website Events Page—Please provide SCARS with promotional information including a visual and fill in the request form.
  • Event listed in our monthly electronic newsletter (if you give SCARS enough advance notice).
  • A Facebook event created by SCARS.
  • Social media promotional posts before the event (how many posts depends on the type and timing and whether it conflicts with promoting a major SCARS event).
  • Thank you card from SCARS.
  • A thank you post on SCARS social media with your photo and funds raised (if provided to SCARS).


Of note…

If you would like us to attend your event, we are happy to do so depending on volunteer availability. If we do attend your event, we may promote it on our website and social media regardless of how much you intend to raise.

Please note that the amount of social media promotion we can offer also depends on the size and timing of your event. We ask that do not rely exclusively on SCARS for promotions as we already have our own campaigns to promote animals in care, fundraising events, and community programs.

If you are interested in running a third-party fundraiser for SCARS, please submit the form below: 



Third-Party Fundraising Proposed Event

Please enter name of Main Contact for this event(Required)
Please enter Main Contact's email address
Please enter Main Contact's Phone Number
Enter the business name that will conduct this event
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the Date the event will BEGIN
Event Start Time:(Required)
Enter the Time the event will BEGIN
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the Date the event will END
Event End Time(Required)
Enter the Time the event will END
Please outline the details of the event
At what venue will this event be held?
Event Street Address(Required)
Do you have a website? Please enter the URL
How many people do you expect to attend the event?
Enter the number of SCARS Volunteers you need at the event (enter 0) if you don't need any volunteers
Enter the amount of your fundraising goal
Enter the percentage of funds raised that will go to SCARS (enter any other details in the field below)
Choose to which of our main programs you wish the money to go. Please see our website for details about these funds (