
SCARS is an Edmonton, Morinville and Athabasca areas based charity. We rely on the hard work and compassion of volunteers. They assist in the care of 2,000 or more animals who need our help every year. We call them volunteers, but to the animals, they are heroes. In every capacity, volunteers are a highly valued resource to our society and are making a very real difference in the lives of so many animals.

See below for some examples of opportunities to volunteer. We provide training for many of the roles (for example, dog handler training for volunteers who help at our facilities or events).

See upcoming events for the date of the next new volunteer orientation.

Foster volunteering

Our rescued cats and dogs are housed in private foster homes. SCARS operates at full capacity every day. The more foster homes we have, the more animals we can take into our care. Those interested in fostering animals can contact the SCARS Foster Home Supervisor at fosterprogram@scarscare.ca.


Areas to volunteer at SCARS

SCARS is an Edmonton, Morinville and Athabasca areas based charity. We rely on the hard work and compassion of volunteers. They assist in the care of 2,000 or more animals who need our help every year. We call them volunteers, but to the animals, they are heroes. In every capacity, volunteers are a highly valued resource to our society and are making a very real difference in the lives of so many animals.

See below for some examples of opportunities to volunteer. We provide training for many of the roles (for example, dog handler training for volunteers who help at our facilities or events).

Check out Events Calendar for the date of the next New Volunteer Orientation.

Foster volunteering

Our rescued cats and dogs are housed in private foster homes. SCARS operates at full capacity every day. The more foster homes we have, the more animals we can take into our care. Those interested in fostering animals can contact the SCARS Foster Home Supervisor at fosterprogram@scarscare.ca.


Areas to volunteer at SCARS

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Admin / IT Support

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Administrative / IT Support

SCARS cannot run without people to help with the day-to-day, behind the scenes tasks. This includes everything from editing and web development to database entry and the screening of potential adopters.” fb_front_align=”center” fb_back_align=”center” use_height=”on” fb_height=”300px” fb_btn_button_url_new_window=”1″ fb_background_bgcolor=”rgba(33,33,33,0.06)” fb_back_background_bgcolor=”#9E2325″ container_margin=”||||false|false” container_padding=”||||false|false” front_wrapper_padding=”||||false|false” img_container_back_margin=”||||false|false” text_back_margin=”15px|15px|15px|15px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.23″ _module_preset=”default” content_back_text_align=”center” content_back_text_color=”#FFFFFF” module_alignment=”center” max_height=”1000px” border_radii=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{}”][/difl_flipbox]

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Special Events

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Special Events / Fundraising

Throughout the year SCARS is involved in events that require volunteer assistance. Because each event is different, volunteer roles will vary. If you love planning, organizing, creating and being involved in group/team committees this is the area for you!

” fb_front_align=”center” fb_back_align=”center” use_height=”on” fb_height=”300px” fb_btn_button_url_new_window=”1″ fb_background_bgcolor=”rgba(33,33,33,0.06)” fb_back_background_bgcolor=”#9E2325″ container_margin=”||||false|false” container_padding=”||||false|false” front_wrapper_padding=”||||false|false” img_container_back_margin=”||||false|false” text_back_margin=”15px|15px|15px|15px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.23″ _module_preset=”default” content_back_text_align=”center” content_back_text_color=”#FFFFFF” module_alignment=”center” max_height=”1000px” border_radii=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{}”][/difl_flipbox]

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Adoption Events

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Adoption Events / Fundraising

Volunteers are occasionally needed to handle adoptable dogs and showcase them to the general public. Volunteers may be required to answer questions from the public about the dog they are handling and other questions regarding SCARS operations. Adoption Event Leaders and Greeters are also needed for these events. Training is provided.” fb_front_align=”center” fb_back_align=”center” use_height=”on” fb_height=”300px” fb_btn_button_url_new_window=”1″ fb_background_bgcolor=”rgba(33,33,33,0.06)” fb_back_background_bgcolor=”#9E2325″ container_margin=”||||false|false” container_padding=”||||false|false” front_wrapper_padding=”||||false|false” img_container_back_margin=”||||false|false” text_back_margin=”15px|15px|15px|15px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.23″ _module_preset=”default” content_back_text_align=”center” content_back_text_color=”#FFFFFF” module_alignment=”center” max_height=”1000px” border_radii=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{}”][/difl_flipbox]

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Volunteers are needed to attend special events, such as trade shows, to represent SCARS and provide information about the society to the public.” fb_front_align=”center” fb_back_align=”center” use_height=”on” fb_height=”300px” fb_btn_button_url_new_window=”1″ fb_background_bgcolor=”rgba(33,33,33,0.06)” fb_back_background_bgcolor=”#9E2325″ container_margin=”||||false|false” container_padding=”||||false|false” front_wrapper_padding=”||||false|false” img_container_back_margin=”||||false|false” text_back_margin=”15px|15px|15px|15px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.23″ _module_preset=”default” content_back_text_align=”center” content_back_text_color=”#FFFFFF” module_alignment=”center” max_height=”1000px” border_radii=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{}”][/difl_flipbox]

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Doggy Railroad

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Special Events / Fundraising

Drivers are needed to transport animals around the province, and on shorter trips in and around the Edmonton area.

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Artists, designers and creative types are needed to help promote SCARS. This includes things like designing presentations, creating posters and brochures, writing and editing stories and taking photographs of the rescues in foster care.” fb_front_align=”center” fb_back_align=”center” use_height=”on” fb_height=”300px” fb_btn_button_url_new_window=”1″ fb_background_bgcolor=”rgba(33,33,33,0.06)” fb_back_background_bgcolor=”#9E2325″ container_margin=”||||false|false” container_padding=”||||false|false” front_wrapper_padding=”||||false|false” img_container_back_margin=”||||false|false” text_back_margin=”15px|15px|15px|15px|false|false” _builder_version=”4.23″ _module_preset=”default” content_back_text_align=”center” content_back_text_color=”#FFFFFF” module_alignment=”center” max_height=”1000px” border_radii=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{}”][/difl_flipbox]

General volunteering

Interested in becoming a SCARS volunteer? You can start by attending a volunteer orientation to find out more about what we do and how we do it with your help.

See upcoming events for the date of the next new volunteer orientation. You can also see our events on Facebook or contact us at volunteers@scarscare.ca.