May 9, 2021 | Rescue Stories
To all the ones we cannot save…… For every animal whose life we change, we know there are others still out their waiting for our help. For every animal we save, we know there are some that we can’t get to in time. Our hearts are broken again and again at...
May 2, 2021 | Rescue Stories
April 20, 2021! Meet Pine Cone. We named this cute kitty Pine Cone due to the extreme shape he was in when he arrived into our care. He is VERY thin. You can’t pet his back without feeling every single bone in his spine. He’s in good hands now and we are thankful the...
May 2, 2021 | Rescue Stories
Parvo. It’s been hitting our animals hard over the past few months. Meet Rimby. Another Parvo puppy fighting for his life at the vet. Skinny, sick and fighting super hard to keep food down. Please keep him in your thoughts.