Animal intake – some days it breaks your heart.

The calls. The texts. The emails. Dozens upon dozens of requests. Injured puppies. Quilled dogs. Starving animals. Abandoned cats. Municipal pounds filled to capacity. All worthy animals, all deserving a second chance.
The SCARS hardworking Intake Team is perpetually in action. From the phone requests, to the drivers and our partner vets, to the foster homes, plus all those in between we make miracles happen for some. Sadly the need this summer is higher than we have ever seen.
Just to give you an idea, in less than 24 hours the SCARS family added two puppies that had been run over – 1 missing its leg and 1 with broken bones. Four puppies that have been waiting made it to their foster home. Three starving dogs in a desperate search for food tackled a porcupine, with predictably bad results, but they too made it to one of our partner vet clinics for care. Abandoned kittens found their way to the loving hands of a foster home.
How can you help?

At this time none of these animals are available for adoption. Please watch our website –