Jun 7, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
July 1 update… After spending time in her foster home, Dolly was recently rushed back to the vet. She developed a big hematoma that required monitoring. Thank you to Westlock Veterinary Center for seeing her as an emergency patient and she’s getting all the love...
Jun 1, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
May 29, 2022… Meet Gumball! When life tries to chew you up, a name like Gumball seems fitting. And, like my namesake, I am very sweet! Despite my rough appearance, I am a very loving and gentle boy. The start to my life was not very kind, which is why I look the...
Jun 1, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
May 31/22… It’s been call… after call… after call… Our intake team responding to back to back to back emergencies. We have 3 dogs at Westlock Veterinary Centre emergency tonight and we are so thankful for their support. To donate to all of our emergencies, click...
May 29, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
One of the communities that SCARS works closely with is Wabasca, which is located in the MD of Opportunity. For many years they had no options for stray and unwanted pets. For the last 15 years SCARS has provided another option. SCARS takes ALL animals that come into...
May 29, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
Preventing pet overpopulation is a big part of what we do. SCARS actively works within northern Alberta, partnering with First Nations and Métis communities, where there is a lack of accessible and/or affordable pet services. Our Spay-Neuter-Return program helps...