Jan 16, 2021 | Rescue Stories
Despite an unexpected storm on January 13th, our intake team headed out on the roads early to start our roundup for a Spay and Neuter Return Day! Nearly 25cm of snow on the roads in the communities, blowing snow, no plows and very slow conditions made for a very long...
Jan 16, 2021 | Rescue Stories
January 14, 2021 *Warning – Graphic Images Ahead* Life has not been kind to Buster & you would never know it with his friendly personality. If only they could talk and tell you their story… Best guess, caught in a trap? Sadly this is the second dog in...
Jan 16, 2021 | Rescue Stories
If ever a cat was named appropriately on New Years Eve… it would have to be the “new guy” Midnight. This is the fellow suspected of having trauma to his ears but it turned out to be a super bad case of ear mites. We are always elated with the difference a few...
Jan 16, 2021 | Rescue Stories
Sometimes the animals who come into our care have lost faith in humans. Atticus spent his first 24 hours hiding under furniture. Our amazing foster homes continually put in the effort and time to restore their trust. It is always so rewarding when cuddles happen...
Jan 16, 2021 | Rescue Stories
We brought in these adorable five puppies on January 3, 2021! Thanks to the volunteer drivers, the foster homes and the lots of love we will be getting for them!