Rescued pups bring joy to long-term care residents

Rescued pups bring joy to long-term care residents

The families of Athabasca Extendicare—a long-term care facility—would like to thank SCARS for the puppy visit last week. There is nothing like nine visiting pups to get the residents reminiscing about farm dogs they have known, sled dogs they once trained and canine...
Parvo survivors need your help

Parvo survivors need your help

SCARS needs donations! It’s canine parvovirus season and rescues are seeing a lot of this deadly virus. Please help us cover the veterinary costs for the multiple parvo cases we received in the last few weeks from various locations. These pups are counting on...
Doggie Railroad duo saves rural pound dogs!

Doggie Railroad duo saves rural pound dogs!

Our volunteers help animals in many ways. One of those ways is our Doggie Railroad. The DR is a group of SCARS volunteers who are part of a contact list for opportunities to transport animals. The trips can be short or long. Here is one of their stories… By...
Puppies with canine parvovirus

Puppies with canine parvovirus

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Meg the bionic dog!

Meg the bionic dog!

I’m Meg. How do you do! My foster parents call me the bionic dog. While I’m not truly technologically enhanced, I do have some pretty impressive “hardware” in my leg. To help you understand my injury, please try this simple thing – make a “thumbs up”...