Queso had been attacked by a fox

Queso had been attacked by a fox

August 2, 2022… Meet Queso! Hello Everyone, nice to meet you! Can you pet me and play with me? That is all I want to do is play and snuggle. Oh and eat, I like food. I was attacked by a fox and I have about 50 stitches holding me together. The Doc says...
Fluer has parvo

Fluer has parvo

July 30, 2022 PARVO The last thing we want to think about on this beautiful long weekend. Meet Fleur, a nine-week-old female who is currently fighting for her life at the Lloydminster Animal Hospital! Fleur is now on day four of this awful disease and still fighting....
Dior’s story

Dior’s story

July 30, 2022… Meet Dior! Hi, I’m part of the Luxury litter. One of seven adorable, bottle-fed pups. Our story is a sad one. Our momma passed away when we were only ten days old, but luckily SCARS took us in and gave us to our now foster family to raise...
Meet Banks and her puppies

Meet Banks and her puppies

July 29, 2022… We are only able to make room for new intakes when animals in care are adopted. At this time, we have exceeded over 315 animals in care, which is very high for us at one period of time. Normally, we average around 200. Welcome our newest litter...