January 2022 … It’s been a long journey but Dom has finally gotten to a point where his skin is manageable and he is now in his new fur-ever home! He was originally part of our spay-neuter-return program. Dom, the one-year-old pitti, was surrendered due to a very serious & complicated skin condition. He had hair loss, was covered in scabs and had sores all over his legs and feet. He was a mess! Over the last year, there were different foods, medications, sprays… and more sprays! Also, baths… lots of them… several times a week with special shampoos! We see a lot of skin conditions but Dom’s proved to be one of the most difficult. Slowly Dom started looking and feeling better. He started seeing a dermatologist & will continue to see one. 
Dom, you were worth all of our efforts. Your personality made it impossible not to love you. Wishing you and your new family all the happiness