Nov. 8, 2021… It’s been almost a week since Leggo ended up at a vet clinic who immediately wanted to save this little guy! He was surrendered after he had been bit by a larger dog and the injury was left untreated which caused him to become septic. The last week has been touch and go but we are in awe by the determination by veterinary staff… & happy to announce that Leggo is feeling much better. He is not out of the woods yet. Still fighting some infection and will require a leg amputation once he is stable enough to undergo surgery. To donate to Leggo, go to (Please add the memo: LEGGO)

Nov. 17 update on Leggo.

It’s still a long road to recovery but little Leggo has overcome Sepsis, an open infected leg wound and Septic arthritis. Leggo will still likely need his leg amputated but at this point we are focused on getting him well enough to have surgery.
To donate directly to his care visit our website and in the comments reference Leggo! Thank you to all who have donated and all the well wishes.