Introducing Treble Clef. This little girl has seen some rough days in her past but you wouldn’t know it from how sweet she is. She came to SCARS as a stray that had been dumped on a rural property. This is something that happens way to often.
Treble was on the skinny side and had some unique facial characteristics. Her left ear tip is folded backwards and appears to have healed like that. Her upper lip also has a large scar on it. Those things were only the obvious signs that something traumatic had happened to her. Before her spay appointment, her foster mom noticed a hard lump in her back leg. While at the vet they checked into this and found that she has a pellet in her leg. They also discovered Treble has an old injury, a broken hip.
This injury could have been sustained from being shot with a pellet or possibly another type of incident. The vet also noticed that the skin on her head seemed to be stuck to her skull, further implying she went through some head trauma. We will never know what poor Treble went through but we will make sure she receives nothing but love from here on out.
After she heals from her spay, she will be booked for a FHO surgery to repair her back leg. She has some recovering to do before she will be ready to find a place to call home. Please consider supporting amazing survivors like Treble Clef by visiting our event page at or consider donating by clicking here