Aug 15, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
August 14, 2022… We are working on EMERGENCY basis only right now and it’s breaking our hearts. * WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS * We received a call about a group of cats that were found in a plastic bag…. a plastic bag. Alone and left to die until an amazing bystander...
Aug 15, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
August 14, 2022. This little girl needs our help! Meet Bella! She is currently at Pulse Veterinary Specialists & Emergency with aspiration pneumonia and has been there for over 48 hours already. They are doing everything they can to save her and she is stable...
Aug 15, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
August 13, 2022. Meet Mr Lint As you can see my shoulder/arm was broken and healed in a funny way before SCARS found me. After X-rays and observation it was decided my right front leg had to be amputated. I was already getting arthritis and it was causing me pain. I’m...
Aug 15, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
August 14, 2022… Jazzy came to us with a fractured tibia! We have since completed the surgery and she is on the road to recovery. She is so nice, so loving and seriously the best dog to cooperate on crate rest and thrives on kisses! (swipe right for more pics of...
Aug 15, 2022 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
August 4, 2022. Yesterday we lost sweet Lucy. Her owners brought her to Westlock Veterinary Center to surrender to SCARS. She had a blockage and after exploratory surgery, found out she ate a cloth. We thought she was on the mend until when she got excited to be...