Jul 2, 2021 | Rescue Stories, SCARS News
Meet JET! AKA: The cutest border collie puppy EVER! Jet unfortunately was run over by a vehicle and broke her humerus. She was in a lot of pain she was quickly transferred to Guardian Vet where a specialist fixed her all up! She is a very cuddly & happy puppy now....
Jun 29, 2021 | Rescue Stories
❤️🩹 A SCARS volunteer got a call about a sick puppy and immediately knew she had to rush Bruno into the vet. He is parvo positive. Parvo can be treated and most often a puppy can survive. However, Bruno is very thin, very dehydrated and pooping blood. He also had...
Jun 27, 2021 | Rescue Stories
June 26, 2021! 20 New Intakes over last 20 hours! Our intake team has been VERY busy handling all sorts of calls & requests for intakes.To buy items directly for our animals in care, please consider using our WISHLISTS!We have one from AMAZON or support LOCAL and...
Jun 25, 2021 | Rescue Stories
Meet Sara, a senior aged shepherd. Sara came into SCARS on June 21st with a large mammary mass. Any mass is cause for concern and, with the mass being so large, we were worried! Our first concern was whether it is cancer and has it spread. After X-rays & blood...
Jun 23, 2021 | Rescue Stories
June 20, 2021 – The past 48 hours for the SCARS Family has been BUSY!! We brought four dogs brought into care and transferred them to the Hinton SPCA! We also brought in 24 sick cats and kittens that all have severe upper respiratory issues, a paralyzed cat and...