

December 1 update on Cassie. Hi everyone I wanted to give you an updated on my progress. Do you remember my story? I was found skin and bones, barely clinging to life. Since then I have gained weight – 1.2kg to 1.48kg! I overheard the Vet tell my foster mom that...


Nov 25, 2021 Meet Ernest. He was a stray cat that was brought into Westlock Vet. As you can see just by his face, he had a rough couple weeks. We are happy to say he’s on the mend and will be up for adoption soon.
19 New Intakes

19 New Intakes

Nov 24, 2021 …. 19 Animals! Success is a day where we can make a difference in an animal’s life. 15 stray/owner surrendered animals will have a second chance at a new life! 4 spay/neuter/vaccinated animals joined the spay-neuter-return program (SNR)! Our SNR...
Meet our latest EMERGENCY: Soul

Meet our latest EMERGENCY: Soul

*Meet our latest EMERGENCY* It’s the afternoon of November 14. We just picked up this handsome dog with a badly broken leg. One of our volunteers is currently driving him to the emergency vet as we speak. To help donate to our animals in care, please consider...
New Intakes!

New Intakes!

November 13… Meet our newest intakes! It was a busy day with three different volunteer drivers visiting three different locations! A lot of hours and many kilometres later, we were able to change the lives of 20 animals.


Puppy foster homes are constantly on watch to keep these precious little ones safe. Late one night this week poor little Cedar suddenly got very ill. Diarrhea, vomiting, acting lethargic. Although it was unlikely, the immediate thought was oh no, what if it is parvo?...