More puppies come into care

More puppies come into care

Jan 21, 2022… New Pups have landed in the safe hands of our foster families. They all need some medical attention. One of them has quite a sore looking eye, one has an umbilical hernia and one of the puppies was favouring the front leg. We are happy they’re safe...


April 22 update…Hello world, Bella here! I’m a super sweet pup looking for a very special family. I came to SCARS after being hit by a car. It hurt so so much and was very scary, my pelvis got broken and now I have nerve damage on one of my hind legs. I...
W4W Shelter Delivery Day

W4W Shelter Delivery Day

Winter is here again and we have been delivering as many insulated pet shelters as possible. These dogs loved their new shelter so much they didn’t want to come back out. When we visit communities, we also help by bringing stray and unwanted animals into our care....