20 New Intakes

20 New Intakes

Twenty new intakes went to the SCARS Foster Families on Wednesday October 6!! Safe, warm and already so loved. *Not yet available for adoption*
Snickers needed dental care

Snickers needed dental care

October 7, 2021 – Meet Snickers Major dental surgery was completed with our friends at Westlock Veterinary Center. This old guy came into care and needed a lot of help. His mouth and ears were causing so much pain. Snickers – dental was a mess. It was...
New intake demodex pups

New intake demodex pups

October 1/21. Meet our two newest intakes! This adorable brother and sister pair just arrived with what we suspect is demodex. They are very itchy, very scabby and very smelly. Nothing a medicated bath and a vet visit won’t fix! Stay tuned in their journey with their...


Sept 9, 2021… Please send good vibes for a new pup who tested positive for parvo today. Her name is Zoey. She’s in the good hands with our team at Westlock Veterinary Center. September 14 update! Zoey has been freed from Westlock Veterinary Center after a parvo...
Miss Mink and kittens

Miss Mink and kittens

We got a call about a beautiful mom & her young kittens. Little did we know she was hiding an ugly secret.Miss Mink came into care with her 6 babies, and after giving them a moment to settle in, her foster mom noticed severe swelling around her mouth. This morning...


** Warning Graphic Image Ahead ** Meet Tigress. When you are an in heat female dog roaming free in a community things can get intense! There was so many male dogs fighting over me. They followed me non-stop for weeks! Sometimes, that also escalates to fighting. Sadly...