September 6 update… Hi everyone, I am settling in very well at my new Foster Home and I am starting to feel so much better. The constant itch is starting to go away and many of my sores are clearing up. I still have flare-ups where I scratch like crazy, but thanks to my awesome cone (ugh!) the damage is minimal. The antibiotics for my ear infection have got that issue nearly licked! I will need a bit more care and assessment, pretty soon I will be ready for a new home.
August 26 – Hi, I’m Liz. I wish I could explain why I ended up wandering along a lonely stretch of highway near Whitecourt. But I can’t.
I’m very grateful to the kind gentlemen who spotted me and took pity. He contacted SCARS and took the time to drive me to veterinary care. As you can see, I’m covered in sores. Apparently, my sores are not mange but might be related to an allergy.
Foster mom says I’m a sweet dog and someone took the time to teach me basic commands. I’m lovely, gentle and patient despite the fact that my sores are painful and I also have an ear infection. Right now, I’m very sore, itchy and uncomfortable but I’m sure things will get better soon.
SCARS will make sure I continue to receive veterinary care until my skin and ear infection issues are resolved. Then they will help me find me a new home. When you donate to SCARS, you help lost souls like me!