June 10, 2022 – A note from Susan, one of our Foster Homes.
SCARS is a privilege and an adventure to work with. Following another volunteer’s inspiration, our household started our foster home experience on February 1, 2021 in the middle of the pandemic. The anniversary slipped by but in 16 months we have hosted five adults and 45 puppies. Our first was Mabel and the Seven Dwarfs (8), then we had Pam Pam and the Candy crew (5), Star a beautiful boxer who was a recent amputee (1), The Flower crew(4), Copper with coffee crew (4), Cookie crew (6), Tartlet’s crew (4), then Nadya a beautiful lab where we had the privilege of maternity ward to 11 puppies (12). Our latest is the M-crew (6). I’ve never worried about the puppies finding perfect homes!