Kittens found in a towel

May 26, 2023 A towel full of… kittens. 😰 That’s what two amazing bystanders found today in Athabasca in a ditch. They brought them to the vet, called SCARS and we are currently working on welcoming them into our foster homes. Please spay and neuter your animals so...

Two sick puppies from Slave Lake

May 21, 2023 We got a call from a firefighter who found two sick puppies in Slave Lake and we suspect Parvo. Our team is making the trek to get these animals to emergency care as we speak. We also have another puppy who was from the fires last week, who is currently...

Fox Lake wildfire rescue

May 19, 2023 Update Do you know how terrifying the roar of a wildfire is? So loud. So ferocious. So unpredictable. I am not sure how I escaped the deadly flames, but then I had more problems. I am tiny – not even 3.0 kg. I am young – barely 6 weeks old. I...